Reflexology & Reiki

Complementary & Beauty Therapy Treatments in Faversham

Reflexology & Reiki
27th July 2024 
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Reflexology & Reiki. foot


Reflexology uses specialised techniques to stimulate reflex points on the feet which directly relate to all of the areas of the body. The aim is to encourage harmony within the body, allowing it to work more efficiently, and to relieve stress and tension.

Reflexology is an extremely relaxing treatment and an ideal introduction to complementary therapies as it is gentle and doesn't require the client to undress. After a foot cleanse, the treatment begins with some relaxation techniques before the reflexology commences. The treatment ends with a foot massage, leaving your feet feeling light and pampered, even those with ticklish feet will relax and unwind as the treatment progresses!

45 minutes - £30

Reflexology & Reiki. reiki


Reiki (pronounced Ray -key) is the Japanese word for 'Universal life energy', the vital energy around and within all things.

Reiki (pronounced Ray -key) is the Japanese word for 'Universal life energy', the vital energy around and within all things. It is also the name for a system of natural healing which originated in Japan from the studies, research and dedication of Dr. Mikao Usui. The basic concept underlying Reiki is that the body has an energy field that is central to its health and proper functioning, and that at times this energy field can become blocked, weakened or disrupted by illness, medical conditions, surgery, medication or just life in general.

Reiki aims to rebalance these energies and relieve mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disharmonies. Reiki consists of calm and concentrated gentle placing of the practitioners hands over chakra points and positions on the body where the organs and endocrine glands reside. This gentle process helps the body's natural energy field to be rebalanced as Reiki energy travels through the practitioner to whatever part of the body it is needed.

The only requirement is an open mind as there is no religious or belief system attached to Reiki. Reiki is a very relaxing and restorative therapy for anyone who just needs time out, helping to return a sense of balance and harmony.

Reiki clients are fully clothed with Reiki given either in a seated position or on a couch, a no-touch technique can be used if there are any injuries or painful conditions which you may suffer from.

Reiki - 20-45 minutes

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16 Faversham Industrial Estate Graveney Rd Faversham, Kent ME13 8UJ
01795 538648